it's already the 29th of october.
it's already 2:54.
i think i have gingivitis.
i ate an italian sandwich on focaccia bread and got a piece of mortadello stuck in between my teeth. i flossed it out and now my gums are bleeding badly.
a list of culprits, according to WebMD:
- gingivitis
- scurvy
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Vitamin K deficiency
- leukemia
things are looking grim.
currently, still unemployed. i do some Dj work as a trivia show host for a restaurant in Tempe. they pay me $50, plus up to $25 on anything on the menu. so i'm not starving.
i'm listening to the new ty segall album.
ty segall has released 4 albums this year.
i've never even written a song, let alone 4 albums just this year. if i made a song, i would want it to be something that could be played in the background and people can talk or read a book or take a nap to it. i like music like that. as furniture, as satie would say.
i have a terrible scratch on my thigh.
surprisingly have not consumed any caffeine today.
did smoke some weed, though.
a given.
i watched a total of 3 food videos today. i do not say this proudly. a sushi chef made a burger. a recipe for chocolate chip and pecan scones. a guide to hollywood's restaurant scene. these were not productive activities. i remember one time when i was 14 i made scones and they turned out way too floury and mom made fun of them and how bad they were. i haven't made scones since.
i might make some scones though.
that recipe looked good.
i made blueberry scones when i first attempted.
i ate all of them because no one else would.
i didn't think they were that bad.
scones are kinda stupid.
but i kinda like scones.
they're endearing.
like a grandma.
scones are grandmothers in pastry form.
i'm thinking ahead to other things.
like how i should research 'the business of television' and 'psychology'.
these will be things to prepare me for the future.
i'm starting a job as an associate producer for a television show.
hopefully it goes well.
i don't know what i'll be doing but it will be an experience regardless of how it goes.
other than that, i have nothing else to look forward to this week other than trivia, which will be tonight. i hope they have discounted drinks. i will spend $25 on happy hour margaritas and host a trivia show. not really. about the marg-part. i will host though. and probably buy at least a drink, since they're buying. i don't really like it but it's my only source of income at the moment so, in the words of tommy pickle, "a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do."
speaking of babies, i'm looking at the babygirl (anna) now.
she is editing videos for her job and being a higher functioning adult than i am right now. probably ever will be.
i drank an orangina soda today.
probably not the best for my gingivitis.
that ty segall album finished.
i liked it.
i'm going to listen to another one of his albums.
one from this year.
last night anna and i were watching moonstruck (1987). it's amazing how even from the beginning nicolas cage is out of his fucking mind with every character he plays. he is the greatest living actor working today. i mean that. i think watching that movie subconsciously made me hungry for an italian sandwich.
i sat in the shower feeling fucked and sorry for myself.
after 5 minutes, i felt differently. a lil better i think.
i tried airdrying in the arizona sun but it was too mild of a day.
i'm wearing pants right now.
i wore pants yesterday.
there's a harden skin tag on the immediate inside of my nostril. last two times i messed with it, thinking it was a tough booger or something, i ripped it out and started to bleed a lot. so i'm not going to do that this time.
i wrote a note in my phone saying 'morning shit'.
i wrote that in references to a potential beginning to a poetry project.
you see where i'm going.
i don't feel fucked really.
i'm drinking water.
this ty segall album is very enjoyable writing music. in it, he goes by the alias lag el sty. i wonder if that is referring to a sty like on your skin or a pigpen. i think what's in my nose, actually, is a sty.
thanks ty segall.
i mean, lag el sty.
i had a tag 'tom brady nudes' in one of my blog posts that has way more views than any other of my posts. i think that is what the people want. have to cater to what the people want.
or what i want?
i'm going to drink even more water today.
i don't want to host trivia tonight.
i want to stay home, get high, watch movies with my babygirl and eat the leftover seafood ramen we made for dinner last night, which was good, but i think can be improved with the addition of some fish sauce.
i will report back on the findings
i promise.
i like the sound of a lazy, lumbering bass guitar.
like a trudging toad.
or a cool video game baddie in a cave level.
i wonder what bad guys do all day when there's no hero around.
just be bad?
like sit around with their buddies and frown and cross their arms around a fire. thinking mean thoughts. being generally upset and mischievous.
i can dig it.
i do that already and don't even get paid.
at least henchmen probably earn salary.
i talked to my mom and sent her a snapchat of the dogs' halloween customs.
this was the highlight of my day. and i'm not saying i've had a bad day either. it's not even 4 pm yet. i'm just saying, it's a highlight.
stupid idiot.
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