it's Superbowl Sunday. i don't care for sports really. i find it mostly to be a distraction to the populus- maybe when i'm older and bored and are looking for ways to pass time until my death i'll watch sports religiously. i just don't get emotion from it, the way watching a good movie or a good book can do, and that takes less time than the constant information people process to feel the devotion in a 'personal' level with a team or player, and even then, i'm not about to cry for a dude that's probably making 1.9 million a year. next year they'll play again, as if nothing happened, and there'll be (always) another winner, and more money, and more fans, and more sports.
(i do enjoy watching UFC fights though. it's primordial. it's hard to be not entertained by two people punching each other in the face. people watching people getting punched in the face was probably the first form of entertainment. we know the Romans like it, and so do we 2000 years later )
BUT (i didn't mean for that to be caps-locked but i'm don't feel like deleting it either so rather than save a few keystrokes and retype it normally i'm writing this instead to insist upon its fruition and will not only not deny it but champion it because i believe it's important to sometimes respect live's everyday - to quote Bob Ross - 'happy accidents' (and its my blog i can write whatever i want)) Superbowl Sunday is an event i can get behind.
for one: buffalo chicken dip

it's the kush. anyone that says otherwise is probably a vegan.
BUT (that one was intentional) also, if you're gonna watch just one game of football a year, this usually isn't a bad one to watch. it is fun just to watch this magnificent displays in athleticism. i think it's beautiful what the human body can accomplish. watching Fred Astaire in Swing Time, one can really see just how expressive the body can be. when he's dancing and tapping across the screen, it appears effortless. i thought watching the film, 'huh, you know, i can probably do that'; but i can't, i didn't even attempt, but Fred Astaire is a master at showing depths to the agility the human body can achieve and the range of expressions it can articulate. this can be what sports accomplishes at its highest level. that's why something like Olympic track-and-field can be one of the most thrilling events to watch. there's no equipment, not complicated rules made by humans. it's just a testament to the human body.

today, i'm going to make a testament to my body as well, except with beer and chips and little piggies in blankets. i'm an adult now. i'm 21 babyyyyyyyy. i can legally purchase alcohol for minors lol. but this is the Superbowl experience. there's something to say for holidays once you get older (yes, Superbowl Sunday is a holiday and we might as well get Monday off from work/class because of so). there's a rhythm to life. holidays, especially the more and more one goes through them, have this community to them that makes people slow down and appreciate one another. this day in particular, there's something so grotesquely American about it that i can't help but love it. gathering in front of a television, eating/drinking nothing but damaging substances, succumbing to the radiation of commercials, watching a multi-million dollar affair, the zenith of the capitalist system and our American dream. people will laugh and cry and go to Disneyland afterwards.
The Superbowl is all about getting together with people you - I hope - at least tolerate to get drunk, watch men being slammed by other men, and not worry so much for a day - at least until the dip runs out.
Music while I wrote: CLEANERS - REAL RAGA SHIT VOL. 1