[untitled: stream of unconscious filtered through my galaxy s6]

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my blog

here's what this blog will consist:

•short stories
•Internet things (photos,videos,links, etc.)
•posts about books
•posts about movies
•posts about writing
•posts about posts
•posts about drugs
•posts about animals
•posts about food
•posts about music
•posts about cognitive observations
•posts about spies and conspiracies
•posts of pseudo-philosophy of my own decree/authority

(as of writing this, i am high in my bed and watching the documentary "Africa" on Netflix, where on screen ants are being shown with blood coming out there head in order to dissuade a predatorial bird. the proportion between bird and ant seem alarmingly equal.)

((as of writing that, two giraffes, both male, one young, were shown battling in the desert. having no fists to swing, they flung their heads at each other instead. even without arms, animals still find ways to hit each other and i think that says a lot. after a while of exchanging neck punches, the old giraffe fell to the ground. was this the end of this old bull's reign as king of the desert asked the British narrator. the giraffe laid on the dusty incline. his head hung limp. the situation looked grim for our giraffe king. the young rival cocked backwards to deal the killing blow. he swung, but the old king dodged his neck low and whipped a devastating blow into his opponent's chest. the young giraffe was down. the sand river))

remains to the giraffe king.